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The New Bedford Housing Authority (NBHA), the Awarding Authority, invites sealed bids from qualified Contractors to provide HEATING UNIT PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE SERVICES (NBHA-23-106) at all state aided and federally funded public housing developments owned and operated by the NBHA in New Bedford, Massachusetts in accordance with the bid documents. The work under this contract requires the annual inspection, testing, periodic and preventive maintenance, servicing and repair as required of boilers, furnaces and heating units including but not limited to; hot water boilers, steam boilers, warm air furnaces, rooftop heating units, unit heaters and large central boilers at all public housing property locations in the city of New Bedford, Massachusetts. A list of all public housing authority developments to be included in the contract is contained in the project manual. The term of the contract is for a three (3) year period.

 Bid Documents will be available from the NBHA, Procurement Office, 128 Union Street, 4TH Floor, New Bedford, Massachusetts 02740 during regular business hours of 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday excluding Massachusetts holidays (or any other office closure) beginning Wednesday February 15, 2023. Bidders may obtain Bid Documents free of charge by sending a request and contact information to; kevin.rego@nbha-ma.org.

Sealed bids will be received until 2:00 p.m. Thursday March 02, 2023 at which time and place said bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. Sealed bids must be delivered to: New Bedford Housing Authority, Procurement Office, 128 Union Street, 4TH Floor, New Bedford, Massachusetts 02740 and received no later than the date & time specified above. Unexpected Closures: If at the advertised time scheduled for the bid opening the New Bedford Housing Authority – Office of the Procurement Agent is closed due to uncontrolled events such as fire, snow, ice, wind or building evacuation, then the bid opening will be postponed until 10:00 a.m. on the next regular business day and all bids will be accepted until that time and date.

All bids for these services are subject to the provisions as amended of M.G.L. c.30B §5, c.30 §39M, c.149 §§44A-J and minimum wage rates as required by M.G.L. c.149 §26-27H inclusive. Bids are also subject U.S. Dept. of H.U.D. 7460.8 REV2 and 2 CFR Part 200 §§ 200.317-200.326 each where applicable.

Each bid must be accompanied by: Signed Form For General Bid; A bid deposit in the amount five percent (5%) of the value of the bid; and Non-Collusive Affidavit. No bid will be withdrawn for a period of sixty (60) days upon opening of bids without the consent of the Authority. The Authority will reject any and all bids when required to do so by the above referenced General Laws. In addition, the Authority reserves the right to waive any informality in any or all bids or to reject any or all bids (in whole or in part) if it be in the public interest to do so.

In accordance with Section 3 of the HUD act of 1968, as amended, opportunity for employment and contracting to the greatest extent feasible shall be given to Section 3 eligible residents and businesses.


Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action, Employer

Contract Filesize: 220 KB
Contract ID#: NBHA 23-106
Date Contract added: 02/15/23 4:29 PM
Closing Bid Deadline: 03/02/23 2:00 PM
Contract Status: Closed

If your company intends on submitting a bid, please click the button below.

The New Bedford Housing Authority cannot track vendors, bidders, or proposers who download an IFB or RFP therefore all bidders, vendors and proposers who download an IFB or RFP are responsible for checking the website periodically for any addenda to the IFB or RFP issued by the New Bedford Housing Authority. Addendums could be issued up to 48 hours before the bid closing.



Questions & Answers

If you have any questions about this contract please email us at james.costa@newbedfordhousingauthority.org - all questions and corresponding answers will be added below.

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Received Bids

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