Tripp Towers Exterior Door Replacement

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New Bedford Housing Authority

Invitation For Quotes




The New Bedford Housing Authority, the Awarding Authority, invites written quotes from Contractors for the Tripp Towers 667-2 Development for the New Bedford Housing Authority in New Bedford, Massachusetts, in accordance with the documents prepared by the New Bedford Housing Authority.

The Project consists of: Removal and replacement of 3 sets of exterior steel doors, frames and hardware including surface preparation, patching, and painting.

The work is estimated to cost $ 29,000.00

Quotes are subject to M.G.L. c.149 §44A (2)(B) & to state prevailing wage rates as required by M.G.L. c.l49

  • §26 to 27H inclusive.

Written Quotes will be received until 2:00 p.m., Friday, January 13, 2023.

All Quotes should be delivered to: The New Bedford Housing Authority. If hand delivered, bring to 128 Union Street 4th floor, New Bedford, MA 02740. If mailed, send to New Bedford Housing Authority PO Box 2081 New Bedford, MA 02740. If sent electronically, send to . If mailed, postage costs for the quote documents shall be the Contractor’s responsibility. All quotes must be received no later than 2:00 pm, Friday, January 13, 2023, and publicly opened forthwith. Results will be emailed to all bidders immediately following bid opening.

Contract Documents will be available at:

The New Bedford Housing Authority, 128 Union Street 4th floor, New Bedford, MA 02740. Please call the New Bedford Housing Authority Modernization Department @ 508-997-4852 for access instructions to the building. If you would like to receive the RFQ electronically, send your request via email to, include the DHCD FISH #205235 after December 21, 2022 at 8:30 A.M.

Contractors requesting Contract Documents to be mailed to them shall include a separate check for $N/A per set, payable to the Awarding Authority, to cover mail handling costs.

The job site and/or existing building will be available for inspection on Friday January 6, 2023, at 10 A.M. at 12 Ruth Street, New Bedford MA 02744. Although site visits are not mandatory, they are strongly recommended.



Contract Filesize: 112kb
Contract ID#: DHCD #205235
Date Contract added: 12/21/22 8:30 AM
Closing Bid Deadline: 01/13/23 2:00 PM
Contract Status: Closed

If your company intends on submitting a bid, please click the button below.

The New Bedford Housing Authority cannot track vendors, bidders, or proposers who download an IFB or RFP therefore all bidders, vendors and proposers who download an IFB or RFP are responsible for checking the website periodically for any addenda to the IFB or RFP issued by the New Bedford Housing Authority. Addendums could be issued up to 48 hours before the bid closing.



Questions & Answers

If you have any questions about this contract please email us at - all questions and corresponding answers will be added below.

None yet

Plan Holders List

Received Bids

Awarded To

Kneeland Construction Corporation