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The New Bedford Housing Authority, the awarding authority, invites sealed proposals from qualified Contractors to provide MAINTENANCE MATERIAL AUDIT SERVICES.

The New Bedford Housing Authority (NBHA) invites qualified vendors to submit quotes for Maintenance Material Audit Services. This RFP outlines the requirements and expectations for the audit. The selected vendor will be responsible for conducting a comprehensive audit of maintenance materials and supplies used across NBHA properties, as well as reviewing and providing recommendations for improving inventory management practices.

The deadline for submitting questions concerning this Request for Proposals is Tuesday, December 26, 2023 at 11:00 a.m. Answers will be sent, via e-mailed addenda, to all vendors who received an RFP from the Procurement Agent and provided their contact information and a valid e-mail address. All proposals must be submitted in accordance with the RFP submission requirements to be considered.

Proposals must be delivered to: New Bedford Housing Authority, Procurement Agent, 128 Union Street, 4TH Floor, New Bedford, Massachusetts 02740 and received no later than the date & time specified above. The price proposal and non-price proposal may be in the same package but must be in two separate sealed envelopes and clearly marked “RFP: NBHA-23-129 – MAINTENANCE MATERIAL AUDIT SERVICES” on the outside of each indicating which envelope is the “PRICE PROPOSAL” and which is the “NON-PRICE PROPOSAL”.

Bid Documents will be available from the New Bedford Housing Authority, Procurement Office, 128 Union Street, 4TH Floor, New Bedford, Massachusetts 02740 during regular business hours of 8:30am and 4:30pm, Monday through Friday excluding Massachusetts holidays (or any other office closure) beginning December 11, 2023. Bidders may obtain Bid Documents free of charge by e-mailing a request and contact information to Kevin Rego at the following e-mail address: kevin.rego@nbha-ma.org.

The New Bedford Housing Authority will award a contract to the proposer offering the most advantageous proposal, taking into consideration all evaluation criteria as well as price. The Board of Commissioners of the New Bedford Housing Authority is authorized to execute a contract in connection therewith.

All proposals are subject to the provisions of M.G.L. c.30B §6 and U.S. Dept. of H.U.D. 7460.8 REV2 and 2 CFR Part 200 §§ 200.317–200.326 each where applicable. The New Bedford Housing Authority reserves the right to reject any and all proposals and to award a contract that is in the best interest of the New Bedford Housing Authority.

In accordance with Section 3 of the HUD act of 1968, as amended, opportunity for employment and contracting to the greatest extent feasible shall be given to Section 3 eligible residents and businesses.


Contract Filesize: 196 kb
Contract ID#: NBHA 23-129
Date Contract added: 12/11/23 9:04 PM
Closing Bid Deadline: 12/26/23 11:00 AM
Contract Status: Awarded

If your company intends on submitting a bid, please click the button below.

The New Bedford Housing Authority cannot track vendors, bidders, or proposers who download an IFB or RFP therefore all bidders, vendors and proposers who download an IFB or RFP are responsible for checking the website periodically for any addenda to the IFB or RFP issued by the New Bedford Housing Authority. Addendums could be issued up to 48 hours before the bid closing.



Questions & Answers

If you have any questions about this contract please email us at james.costa@newbedfordhousingauthority.org - all questions and corresponding answers will be added below.

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Plan Holders List

Received Bids

Awarded To

Banneker Supply Chain Solutions